

Everyone loses when financial constraints prevent a promising student from enrolling in law school. LMU法学院很高兴提供大量基于成绩的奖学金. 奖学金是为学术背景优秀的学生保留的, 卓越的领导才能, 有社区服务的记录, 需要, 以及其他值得肯定的品质. These financial awards recognize each recipient's potential for success in our program and will be credited toward their tuition.

We are committed to eliminating financial barriers that stand in the way of students with the potential to benefit from a legal education. Students offered admission should be able to attend and remain at LMU法律 without regard to personal financial circumstances. 为此目的, we are strongly committed to ensuring equality of opportunity to admitted students lacking sufficient financial resources. Every applicant's file is considered for scholarship opportunities as it is considered for admission.

Admission and scholarship decisions are based on a thorough review of each applicant's file. While an applicant's score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA) figure prominently in admission decisions, multiple factors are considered in making both admission and scholarship recommendations/decisions. 考虑的因素包括学术背景的广度和难度, 多样性, 服兵役, 履行大学的使命, 授予高级学位, 课外和社区活动, 承担或赢得的领导角色, 参加大学澳门威尼斯人赌城, 参与志愿者活动, 个人背景, 申请人提供的其他有关情况.

视乎资格而定, current students can apply for new and/or additional scholarship awards at the end of each academic year.


Beginning in 2016, any scholarship awarded to an entering law student will be renewed 自动 as long as the student remains in good standing academically and graduates within the number of years of the program for which he or she was admitted. 保持良好的学术地位, 学生必须保持最低累积平均绩点2.000.


除了慷慨的奖学金外,法学院还提供奖学金, 存在许多外部/外部奖学金机会. 他们中的大多数可以通过 AccessLex奖学金数据库.

对于可能考虑在民权领域从事职业的申请人, we want you to be aware of a scholarship opportunity offered by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). 马歇尔-莫特利学者计划(MMSP) is the next phase of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund's (LDF) commitment to identify and invest in brilliant minds who have a deep personal desire to bring about racial justice in the South.

该项目保证了无债务的教育经历和实习经历, 奖学金, 以及为寻求捍卫黑人社区并赋予其权力的法律专业学生提供培训. 在接下来的五年里, the MMSP will invest in the establishment of a corps of 50 civil rights attorneys who will work to pursue racial justice on behalf of Black communities in the South.


  • A 法学院全额奖学金 包括学费、食宿费和杂费;
  • 夏季实习机会 与国家和区域民权组织合作;
  • 两年研究生奖学金 at civil rights law organizations in the South; and
  • 访问 由NAACP LDF赞助的特殊培训.

鉴于LDF的历史和我们对种族正义的持续承诺, 我们强烈鼓励那些认为自己是黑人/非裔美国人的学生, 那些上过传统黑人学院或大学的人, 以及那些与我们寻求在南方服务的社区有密切联系的人申请.

未来的学生可以在网站上获得有关该计划的更多信息 MSSP网站 包括信息 了解MSSP申请流程.