

Frequently Asked Questions

  •   Who are physical therapists and what do they do?

    物理治疗师是通过规定的运动来优化生活质量的运动专家, hands-on manual therapy, and patient education.

    物理治疗师教病人如何预防或控制他们的病情,使他们获得长期的健康益处. PTs examine each individual and develop a plan, using treatment techniques to promote the ability to move, 减少疼痛, 恢复功能, and prevent disability. 除了, PTs与个人一起工作,通过制定更健康、更积极的生活方式的健身和健康计划,在活动能力丧失发生之前预防它.


  •   What is the job outlook for physical therapists?
    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 从2021年到2031年,物理治疗师的就业预计将增长17%, much faster than the average for all occupations. 而对物理治疗师的需求因地理区域和执业区域而异, unemployment rates are low across the country. As the population continues to age, 对物理治疗服务的需求将会增长,对物理治疗师的需求预计将保持强劲.
  •   What is the expected salary for a Physical Therapist?
    The median salary for a physical therapist was $86,850 in 2017. Salaries vary based on position, 多年经验, 教育程度, 地理位置, 练习环境. (Source: "Best Jobs" - U.S. News and World Report)
  •   What is a "3 + 3" program?
    “3+3”项目是一个加速的学术轨道,使学生在6年内完成理学学士学位和物理治疗博士学位,而不是传统的7年. 在LMU, 学生在前三年的学习中攻读运动与康复科学学士学位(专业前阶段)。, 在最后三年的学习中获得物理治疗博士学位(专业阶段). 运动与康复科学学士学位在完成第四年(研究生学习的第一年)后授予。, 完成物理治疗课程后授予博士学位.
  •   What are the requirements for the different pathways of entry at LMU?
  •   Is there a certain major that I should pursue?

    For those who enter the program via 路1号 and complete all requirements, 在成功完成所有本科要求和DPT项目专业阶段的第一年后,他们将获得LMU的运动与康复科学学士学位.

    For those entering the program through Pathways #2 or #3, 只要满足申请进入专业阶段所需的最低要求,这些学生可以在任何学习领域完成学位.

  •   How often are students admitted to the DPT Program?
    Admission to the DPT Program occurs once per year.
  •   What are the licensure requirements for becoming a physical therapist?
    After graduation from an accredited physical therapy program, candidates must pass the National 物理治疗 Exam (NPTE). 由于不同的物理治疗实践行为和/或管理物理治疗的州法规,对物理治疗实践的其他要求可能因州而异.
  •   这个项目会让毕业生在不同的实践领域专攻吗?
    • 这个项目会让毕业生在不同的实践领域专攻吗?
      No. The LMU DPT program prepares graduates to practice as "generalists", 但学生可以通过在项目最后一年秋季开设的选修课程,在某些实践领域接受额外的教育. 选修科目将根据内容专家教授材料的可用性而有所不同,包括麦肯齐和梅特兰技术的课程, 高级伤口护理, Women's Health practice, Chronic Pain management, 诊断成像, 等.
  •   How long is the DPT program at LMU?
    该计划包括9个学期,持续约3年(36个月)。. The first year begins in May/June and the final year ends in mid-May. This includes didactic coursework and clinical education requirements.
  •   学费是多少??
    有关学费和估计出勤费用的信息可以在“学费和费用”页面上找到. 请注意,此信息适用于20204届,并可能在即将到来的班级中发生变化. 有关财政援助的信息,请联系财政援助办公室在1.800.325.0900 ext. 6336 or finaid@shiyoua.com
  •   Is financial aid available for the program?
    There are several available options for financial aid including loans, 奖助金, scholarships and graduate assistantships. 请与 LMU Student Financial Services Office at 1.800.325.0900 ext. 6336 or finaid@shiyoua.com.
  •   What prerequisites are required to enter the program?
  •   Is the Graduate Records Exam (GRE) required for admission?
    No. The GRE is a multiple choice, 基于计算机的, 通常是研究生课程或商学院入学所要求的标准化考试. It tests analytical writing, 定量推理和语言推理,通常以申请人的经济费用为代价. 它已被证明与国家PT考试(NPTE)的首次成功呈弱相关,并且无论录取途径如何,它都不是LMU DPT计划入学所必需的.
  •   Are volunteer/观察 hours or work experience required for admission?
    志愿者, 观察, or work experience in a 物理治疗 setting, under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist is required. The minimum number of hours required is 45 hours. 各种类型的临床环境(例如:住院医院环境), skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation facilities, 和门诊诊所)的建议,使申请人将有一个全面的物理治疗专业的看法. 目前, 由于COVID-19, volunteer/观察 hours are NOT required for admissions, but please check back regularly as this may change in the future.
  •   If a prerequisite course was taken more than once, are the grades averaged?
    No, only the highest grade will be included in the calculation of the GPA.
  •   Do 观察 hours from a PTA program count towards the requirement?
    是的. 临床观察时间要求的目的是确保学生接触到各种实践环境,以确保他们充分意识到物理治疗师的角色和责任. 因为这些时间是在有执照的专业人员的监督下完成的, they will count towards the requirement.
  •   What is involved in the accreditation process?
    The program submitted an Application for Candidacy (AFC) on December 1, 2020 and completed the required virtual site visit in January 2021. AFC和实地考察报告将在4月23日至27日举行的CAPTE春季会议上进行审查, 2021. 4月27日生效, 2021, 澳门威尼斯人赌城已获得美国物理治疗教育认证委员会授予的候选认证资格. 请参阅我们的 认证 page for more information and updates.
  •   Where is the program located?